WHAT CAN I EXPECT WITH MY FIRST VISIT?                                                                                    

Thank you for making an appointment with us. We are sure you will find your visit to be a great experience.

We aim to be as low-stress as possible. One of the first things you will notice when parking is a request to call us upon arrival. Our receptionist will escort you inside. Just like a restaurant, we want to make sure your room is ready, and the coast is clear. A kitty cat gets upset when a strange dog sniffs it; a big dog can easily get grumpy with a smaller dog. Plus, we are seeing sick animals, and we do not want to have your pet exposed.

When situated in a room, one of our technicians will come in and ask questions about the well-being of your pet. Please be brief and focus on the topic at hand. She will then offer diagnostics and can get you an estimate as well. We want our clients to be comfortable with payment.

The technician will then exit the room and discuss the case with the doctor. She will return to bring your pet back to the larger treatment area. Here the doctor can fully concentrate on your pet’s exam and have all her equipment available and where diagnostics are completed. We have found pets are more comfortable when they do not have to worry about guarding their human. There may also be a cheese reward!

Your pet is then re-united with you in the exam room. The veterinarian will then come in and go over her findings. Please feel free to ask her questions. She was an adjunct professor at a local collage for 5 years so she loves sharing ideas.

The tech will return with your treatments to go home. She will tell you the total cost of the visit and take payment from you. You can save the 3% credit card charge if you pay with cash, debit card or CareCredit. Stay in the room until the receptionist comes back with your receipt. This way you do not have to juggle everything while paying, etc. When the coast is clear, you can then leave from the same front door in which you came.

If you enjoyed your time with us, we would welcome a 5-star Google Review. If you had any issues, please contact us and we will make it right. Thank you.